So... it's been awhile since the blog has been updated. I thought I should get a post in before March was over. Not too much has been going on. We have been enjoying the new family room in the basement by watching too much TV. We have been enjoying the warmer weather by going to the park a lot and playing in the yard. We have been enjoying literature by reading a bunch to get Savanna's 500 minutes in March chart filled up. (she gets a Seven Peaks day pass if she does it, oh yeah!). We have been enjoying more sleep by giving Avery melatonin drops before bed, yes they have finally started to work! We enjoyed seeing the newest member of the Bayless family, little Adalynn, who was born this month. We enjoyed adding to our rock collection and searching for Topaz at the Rock and Gem show. We enjoyed St. Patty's day with green pancakes and milk, and green diapers for the next few days. We enjoyed a visit from Bubbas, up from AZ for a few days. And Miles and Avery enjoyed a mud bath in the backyard, I don't think they enjoyed the hose shower they got after though.