I am Woman, Read This Blog

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Avery's 3rd Birthday!

Avery just turned three! She is our crazy, unpredictable, sweet little gor! "Gor" is how Avery pronounces girl, we're working on it. I loved Avery's birthday celebration, very low key. Unlike Savanna, Avery didn't really even know that it was her birthday, therefore she had not come up with a thousand ideas of what to do. All day long she kept saying "I can't believe it's my birthday". Three is a good age! We stayed home and made individual pizzas, had cake and ice cream and presents. Avery is our girly girl and was very happy to get a new Barbie doll, but she was also super excited for the Hot Wheels James got her too. My youngest child is three, that is so crazy to me! We are enjoying this stage of life where we have kids and no babies, but sometimes I want them to stay little forever. Avery is the only one that says yes when I ask her to stay little for me.  I'm sure that explains a lot of the "spoiled brat" behavior that comes out of her sometimes, but she is my baby and I might just try to keep it that way, for a little while anyway. I love that gor!