For my mom's birthday we had a pumpkin carving party! Halloween was always a big deal at our house growing up. My mom decorated the yard super scary like and she always dressed up and took us trick-or-treating, and we always carved pumpkins! So what better way to celebrate my Moms' October birthday then to carve pumpkins! We had a great time. My brother Charles brought his new puppy Asher (Trish was out of town), and of course, my mom came. We had pizza and treats and pumpkin birthday cake. The kids had so much fun. They love grandma and Uncle Charles and the newest family member, Asher. It got a little loud and crazy, but that's pretty normal around here. Happy Birthday Mom!
Great to know about your pumpkin party. Seems like everyone had a great time there. I am too planning my mom’s birthday at one of famous venue New York. Thinking of having floral themed party as she loved them. Want to arrange a memorable party.