I love Easter, I really do. My kids really, really love Easter. Savanna was especially excited and counting down the days. Savanna had lost a tooth the day before and put it under her pillow that night, so The Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny visited our house. Savanna was extremely excited about this and she would not go to sleep! She kept coming out of her room every five minutes saying she couldn't sleep and didn't settle down until almost 1am! This made the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny very tired. Then as soon as my head hit the pillow... Avery woke up, yay! James slept with Miles in his bed and Avery slept with me in my bed so nobody got a very good night sleep. However, Savanna was up at 7 ready to go! The kids hunted for eggs and hot wheels cars and ate a ton of candy. We had our traditional bashing of the eggs with the carrot bat and covered the living room in jelly beans. I made a big breakfast which no one ate because they were all full of candy. Then we went to church, I got the girls new dresses and Miles a new tie and I thought they looked super cute! Miles had the prayer in Primary and Savanna gave the talk, it was really fun to watch both of them. That night we went to James' parents house for a yummy ham dinner and another egg hunt and more candy! What a nice day!
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