Oh how I was looking forward to Spring Break! Savanna is only in pre-school and it is only two days a week, but having a week off was really nice, I loved having her home. I don't know what I am going to do this fall when she is gone everyday for kindergarten! The week before spring break was very rainy and cold and we had a lazy week of staying indoors and watching too much TV, so I made a goal for the week of break, we were going to stay busy and do lots of fun things and stay away from the TV. I think we accomplished that goal. The weather was really nice the whole week and we spent a lot of time outside. The kids love their new swing set and we spent a lot of time playing on it, their cousins came over and played with them too. On Wednesday my mom came over and we went to lunch and played outside some more. On Friday I had my friends' kids over for the day, she just had a baby so I took her older kids to give her a little break. We played outside, did sidewalk chalk, ate lunch and made a craft. They were good kids but with a total of 6 kids it was pretty noisy! But they all had a good time. On Saturday we had a birthday party at a friends house, they had a huge bouncy castle and all the kids got to see their animals, baby goats, a pony, chickens, and a dog. Avery was especially excited to see the animals, she kept pointing at the dog and yelling at it. After the party we went to see Rio with Aunt Bubbas. It was the first time Avery had been to the theater, she didn't do too well. I thought she would fall asleep because it was nap time, but no such luck. Miles, however, did fall asleep, so Savanna was the only one who actually saw the movie, but we had fun anyway. James has been working on a medical office renovation in Helper right next to the train station. On Sunday after church we headed down the canyon so James could do a few things he needed to do, then we ate lunch at Helpers only restaurant (it was really good) then drove by the station so Miles could see the trains. It wasn't busy, no trains coming in and out on Sunday I guess, but they got to see a few and the drive through the canyon was really pretty and we got to have some good family time. I always feel good when we have a week like that, it's tiring to stay so busy but it feels better than the lazy days and I feel like I am spending quality time with my kids and making memories.
Easter was wonderful as usual. We did our traditional egg hunt and the bashing of the eggs. James was the Easter bunny this year and he did a great job, he needs to do it every year! We had so much candy! I also made jello and cookie salad for the special day. We went to Nana's for dinner and another egg hunt with another huge amount of candy. Needless to say, we were all completely overloaded with sugar, which made for an interesting Monday.
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