I signed Savanna up for preschool just a week after Avery was born, apparently you have to get on the preschool registration early! When I registered her I kept thinking how far away it was until she would actually start school, now she only has two weeks left! I can't believe it! Preschool has been a very good thing for her, she has learned so much and so have I, I have a much better understanding of what things she should be doing at her age. Here are some of the things she has learned and improved on in preschool: She has her phone number and address memorized, knows right and left, can write her name and all the letters, knows all her numbers, letters, sounds, shapes and colors (she knew most of these before preschool but has improved a lot), knows opposites and rhyming, knows that reptiles are cold blooded and mammals are warm blooded, is starting to read sight words and the pre-primer books and doing really well, and a bunch of other things I can't think of right now! I am really glad we decided to put her in preschool, I think it has been a great thing and she will be much better prepared for kindergarten in the fall (aaahhh!).
She had a spring program where the class got to show off their skills and sing some very cute songs. It was really sweet and cute. Savanna kept her eyes on her teachers most of the time and didn't smile much, but you could tell she was happy and excited when everyone clapped after every song! I can't believe we are attending school programs already, time is flying by and my kids are growing up so fast!
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