Last week my mom and I took the kids to the zoo! We had a great time, it was one of those rare days when everything seemed to go well, everyone was happy and enjoying themselves and I felt like I was being a good mom. Avery was especially interested in all the animals, when the other kids wanted to hurry and move on to the next exhibit, she was just fine to stay and observe. We attended the bird show which was really neat. The birds were flying right over our heads the whole time, a big raven even brushed Miles' head with it's wings. Everyone was ooh and aahing and clapping, even Avery, very cute. The weather was great, just a little cool and cloudy, but I think that kept the crowds away, which was nice. It takes some work getting there (and getting home, 3hrs on the construction laden freeway!)but it's so worth it to make memories with my kids. I think they fit in quite nicely at the zoo!
Fun! I like how Savanna is the only one looking in most of the photos. Cute :)